The Purpose of this project is to create an urban system according to the circular economy approach, through the implementation of the existing services with new activities, that can be taken as sustainable model of city for the future.
The area (about 95ha) was subject to mining activities; we work with the treatment and recycling of demolition aggregates, we experiment with transformations of secondary raw materials, in continuity with the life cycle of the matter. We imagine a new environmental system with production of energy from recycling (wood chips, biogas, biomass); planting of woodland areas; research center on recovery materials technologies; productions and vineyards on land recovered from quarries; cattle and pig farming; eco-sustainable self-sustaining homes.
The result is an urban complex to be taken as a model as a sustainable system with low carbon emissions on the supply side, an efficient distribution infrastructure and reduced consumption on the end user side.The services of the new urban system are various as residential, industrial and educational.
/ Code
Client: Private
Location: Rome
Mission: final draft - masterplan
Date: 2018/2019
Role: designer